Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stomach Enzymes and Weight Loss!

The enzymes in your stomach that help you digest food are known as digestive enzymes.  They break foods up into the (smaller molecules) components parts so that they can be absorbed and utilized by the body. Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids, amylase/lactase breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars and lipase breaks down fat into fatty-acids. These are the actual molecules that enter the blood stream and provide energy and nutrients.  The entire length of the digest tract secretes digestives enzymes- amylase from the salivary glands in the mouth; pepsin (and other  proteases) is released in the stomach; trypsinogen (protease),lipase, and pancreatic amylase from the pancreas into the stomach; lactase, sucrase, etc. in the small intestine. Enzymes have other important functions like reducing inflammation and repairing and fighting autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

What do these digestive enzymes have to do with weight-loss?  Well firstly, the body cannot absorb what it does not digest. And malnutrition due to inefficient absorption can lead to slow metabolic rate.  When food consumed is not properly digested, the vitamins and minerals and other nutrients are not available to the body.  This food though calorie rich is in effect calorie deficient and leads to ‘food cravings’ which could be your body signaling a need for vitamins and minerals and not more calories.  This is why a shortage of digestive enzymes leads to overeating.

Additionally, undigested food can clog the digestive tract, compromise elimination and lead to toxic build up in the bowels. This toxins seep into the blood stream and in defense the body produces fat cells to capture and sequester these toxins so that they are less destructive.  Remember toxins are stored in fat cells, the more toxins the more fat cells, and that is why one of the first steps in effective weight-loss should be first-rate cleansing program, and that always includes digestive enzymes.  Because aging and health and stress all serve to severely affect the body’s ability to generate these much needed enzymes it is important that we supplement our diet with quality stomach or digestive enzymes.  There are many to choose from on the market. Be sure to choose one that is complete for all the major food group and has a proven effectiveness.  An ongoing digestive enzymes supplementation could go a long way in speeding up your weight-loss! 

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